you just won the lottery!
Plan Your Next Steps
You just won!
- Stop and think.
- Make a plan.
- Treat yourself (within reason). You deserve it!
- Seek professional financial advice.
Connecticut’s Credit Unions make it easy to build a plan, and are here to help you figure out the next steps that are right for you.


Retirement accounts can give you more money in later life AND you may be able to invest that money without paying taxes until you retire.

Check cashing vendors charge huge fees to give you your money. Check with your local credit union or other qualified financial institution first.

Save for a rainy day by building an emergency fund. It is generally a good idea to set aside three to six months of expenses in a separate savings account at a credit union or other financial institution.

A 529 college savings plan can offset educational expenses for a loved one with tax benefits for you. Find more information here:

Seek out trusted financial advisors at any credit union for no cost or with a professional financial planner. These people can help you plan for preserving and growing your winnings through investing and saving.
Reduce Your Debt
You pay money to borrow money. Paying down or paying off debt can be one of the best things to do with your winnings. Credit cards can charge high interest payments when you don’t pay them off. That means you are paying more for everything you buy. When you kick your debt to the curb, you’ll drive faster towards financial freedom.
rethink your housing
Depending on your situation and the size of your winnings, you may be able to buy a home or pay off your mortgage. Investing in home renovations can often times increase the value of your home as well. Home ownership is one of the best investments you can make, but get some advice from your credit union or other trusted advisor.
cover your immediate needs
Fix your car if you need more reliable transportation to get to and from work or repair that leaky roof. Depending on your situation, you might consider putting your winnings to work here.
Credit Unions Building Financial Independence serves Connecticut residents and communities in order to help them build and maintain independence through assistance initiatives, financial education, professional development programs, and helping credit unions to do the same.
What are you waiting for?

Credit Unions Building Financial Independence is a 501(c)3 charitable non profit organization helping people build and maintain financial independence.
If you or someone you care about has a gambling problem, help is available. Call (888) 789-7777 or visit CCPG.ORG/CHAT
This website is owned and operated by Credit Unions Building Financial Independence. The Connecticut Lottery Corporation’s (“CLC”) trademarks are used with permission from the CLC. The CLC is not responsible for, and does not control, the content on this website. The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The CLC makes no representations or warranties, of any kind related to this website or the materials contained on this website, and nothing contained on this website shall be interpreted as the CLC providing advice to you or endorsing the services of any third party.
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